Climbing Photos
Rock Climbing Photos
2008.01.19-20 - Ontario - Montreal River Harbour, Ice Climbing w/Amy, Preston, Sebastien and Roos
   [248 pictures]
2007.10.20-21 - West Virginia - Seneca Rocks, Climbing w/Hannah and Allison
   [149 pictures]
2006.04.22-23 - Kentucky - Red River Gorge, CAM Climbing Outing
   [133 pictures]
2005.10.01 - Michigan - Grand Ledge, CAM Top Roping Practical and Climbing
   [193 pictures]
2005.09.17-19 - Kentucky - Red River Gorge, September CAM Trip [248 pictures]
Independence Day Weekend 2005 - West Virginia - Seneca Rocks, with Timi, Don, & Rita [74 pictures]
2004.03.27-28 - Kentucky - Red River Gorge, with Timi, Silvio, Brittany & Tim [201 pictures]
2003.11.14-16 - West Virginia - Seneca Rocks, with Timi & Mike [37 pictures]
2003.10.18/19 - Kentucky - Red River Gorge, with Timi & Nancy [62 pictures]
2003.09.12-20 - Vegas - Red Rocks Canyon with Toro, Mongo & Dozer [48 pictures]
2003.08.18 - Michigan - Grand Ledge [32 pictures]
2003.07.27/28 - Ontario - Rattlesnake Point, w/Eun Joo & Mickey [168 pictures]
2003.07.19/20 - Kentucky - Red River Gorge, with Timi [63 pictures]
Independence Day Weekend 2003 - West Virginia - Seneca Rocks [292 pictures]
2003.06.21/22 - Ontario - The Escarpment, Mt. Nemo [223 pictures]
Memorial Day Weekend 2003 - Kentucky - Red River Gorge [417 pictures]
2003.05.04 - Michigan - Grand Ledge, with bunches of people [42 pictures]
2003.04.14 - Michigan - Grand Ledge, with Karen, Darrell, Amy and Preston [61 pictures]
2002.09.22 - Michigan - Grand Ledge, with UofM Outdoor Adventures [68 pictures]
Indoor Climbing Photos
2003.03.02 - Karen, Len, and John [27 pictures]
2002.07.21 - Len, Nancy and John [10 pictures]
2002.07.13 - Michael, Nancy and John [24 pictures]
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All the text and images on this web site are copyright ©1987-2012 John & Timi Lockard.
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